Job Opportunities

Graphic Designer
– Job Description: Designing and creating graphic content for our products and services, including logos, promotional images, and social media graphics.
– Required Skills: Proficiency in graphic design software (such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator) and expertise in art and design.

– Job Description: Developing and maintaining our software using various programming languages and solving technical challenges.
– Required Skills: Proficiency in programming languages relevant to our projects, problem-solving abilities, and a strong grasp of software development concepts.

– Job Description: Capturing high-quality images for our visual content, including product photos, events, and marketing materials.
– Required Skills: Proficiency in photography techniques, equipment, and photo editing software.

Tour Guide
– Job Description: Guiding tourists through various destinations, providing historical and cultural information, and ensuring an enjoyable travel experience.
– Required Skills: Proficiency in multiple languages, extensive knowledge of the tour locations, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Process Of Recruitment

1. Submit Your Application:Start by clicking on the job opportunity that interests you.

  • Click “Submit Application” to begin the process.

2. Application Review:

  • Our team will review and assess your application.
  • If your qualifications align with our job requirements, we’ll reach out to you.

3. Interview:

  • If your application is approved, an interview will be scheduled.
  • The interview can be conducted in-person, over the phone, or via the latest virtual methods.

4. Final Selection:

  • After the interview and a final review, the selection process will take place.
  • Once selected as a team member, you’ll go through the contract and onboarding procedures.

5. Embrace the Opportunity:

  • As a team member, you’ll join our work environment and collaborate with various teams on diverse projects.

Employee Reviews and Feedback

Here’s what some of our team members have to say about their experiences working with us

Nazanin Manochehri
I'm a dedicated team member who believes in the power of a positive work environment. I strive to lead by example, always bringing a can-do attitude to the workplace. My goal is not only to meet deadlines and exceed expectations but to inspire my colleagues to excel and collaborate effectively. I firmly believe that fostering a positive atmosphere is the key to our collective success, ensuring that each day at work is not just productive but also rewarding for all.

Nazanin Manochehri
Chinese /English Guide
Sina Bilooee
My work philosophy revolves around attention to detail and an unwavering commitment to perfection. I take pride in ensuring that every project I work on is of the highest quality. I'm a firm believer that excellence is not just a goal, but a standard that should be maintained at all times. My commitment to achieving this standard inspires my colleagues and pushes us to constantly improve, which, in turn, contributes significantly to our team's success.

Sina Bilooee
French/English Guide


    ّFirst Name

    Last Name


    Birth Date:

    City Where You Were Born

    National Code Number

    Entrant Photograph

    Job Opportunities

    Phone Number

    Email Address

    What is your current marital status?

    Language Fluency Levels (1-5)


    Benefits and Perks

    1. Financial Benefits:
      • We offer competitive financial benefits, including competitive salaries, bonuses, insurance plans, service-related benefits, and potential stock options (if applicable).
    2. Educational Programs:
      • We provide access to both internal and external educational programs to support your professional development and growth.
    3. Work-Life Balance:
      • We believe in the importance of work-life balance. We offer flexible working arrangements, annual leave, and encourage our team to maintain a healthy balance between work and life.
    4. Professional Advancement:
      • Opportunities for career growth and advancement are integral to our organizational culture. We provide paths for career progression and professional development.
    5. Culture and Work Environment:
      • Our work environment is friendly, supportive, and inspiring. We foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and encouragement.
    6. Professional Maturity:
      • We offer various amenities such as clubs or sports facilities to promote professional maturity and well-being.
    7. Ethical Benefits:
      • We take pride in our commitment to ethical practices and offer opportunities to engage in meaningful and impactful work that positively affects communities and the environment.
    8. Current Employee Testimonials:
      • Read what our current employees have to say about the benefits and perks of working here.
    9. Photo and Video Portfolio:
      • Explore our photo and video gallery showcasing the work environment and team spirit.

    Culture & Work Environment

    1. Organizational Culture:
      • An overview of the values, concepts, and culture that prevails within our organization. This section should emphasize the organization’s recommendations, objectives, and motivation.
    2. Work Teams:
      • A description of various teams within the organization, along with the role and goals of each team. Also, mention collaboration and interaction between teams.
    3. Work Policies:
      • A detailed description of the policies that govern the organization’s work, including efficiency policies, customer interaction, and confidentiality.
    4. Professional Support and Growth:
      • Show how we support the professional growth of our employees, including training and career development programs.
    5. Collaboration and Communication:
      • Describe the importance of positive collaboration and communication in our work environment. Emphasize the value of interactions among colleagues.
    6. Employee Motivation:
      • Explain how we encourage and boost employee motivation, including recognizing good performance and promoting growth opportunities within the organization.
    7. Commitment to Diversity and Equality:
      • Address our commitment to diversity and equality within the organization and the promotion of equal opportunities for all members.
    8. Success Stories:
      • Share stories or examples of successful employees within our organization.

    Upcoming Job

    We believe in continuous growth and expansion, and we're always on the lookout for exceptional talent to join our team. While we may not currently have specific job openings, we encourage you to stay tuned for exciting opportunities that align with your skills and aspirations.

    If you’re passionate about what we do and would like to be part of our future endeavors, we welcome you to periodically visit this page for updates on upcoming job opportunities. Your dream job at Saeid Zare might just be on the horizon.

    We appreciate your interest in becoming a part of our team, and we look forward to potentially working together in the future.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with our HR team.

    Contact Us